Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference's image
Created: 2012-07-13 11:16
Institution: Department of Physics
Editors' group: Management group for "Department of Physics".
Description: June 2012 was the 50th anniversary of the publication of Brian Josephson's famous paper: "Possible new effects in superconductive tunnelling", Physics Letters 1, 251 (1962). This anniversary was marked with a one-day meeting held in Cambridge on Saturday 23rd June 2012, with invited speakers covering the past, present and future of Josephson physics. The picture shows Kapitsa's crocodile, carved into the walls of the Royal Society Mond Laboratory where Brian Josephson did his original work. Slides for most of the talks are available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Media items

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This collection contains 16 media items.


Media items

James Stirling: introduction to the bdj50 conference


Head of the Physics Department James Stirling introduces the conference celebrating 50 years since the discovery of the Josephson effect. The accompanying photograph shows the...

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 18 Jul 2012

John Waldram: Reminiscences


John Waldram describes events in the laboratory at the time of the discovery of the Josephson effect

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 18 Jul 2012

Philip Anderson: The Discovery of the Josephson Effect and the Introduction of 'Broken Symmetry' Into Condensed Matter...


Video lecture contributed by Professor Anderson to the conference celebrating 50 years since the discovery of the Josephson effect

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 18 Jul 2012

Brian Josephson: The Path to the Discovery


Lecture at bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505. The picture shows Brian and Carol Josephson looking at the plaque on the Mond...

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Fri 20 Jul 2012

John Rowell: Observations of Brian Josephson's Effects


Lecture given by John Rowell at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Fri 20 Jul 2012

Arnold Silver: Origins of the SQUID


Lecture by Arnold Silver at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

John Clarke: SQUIDs: Then and Now


Lecture by John Clarke at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

Brian Petley:The ac Josephson effect and 2e/h measurement from 1966 to 2015


Lecture by Brian Petley at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

Mark Blamire: Magnetic Josephson Junctions


Lecture by Mark Blamire at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Fri 27 Jul 2012

Dale Van Harlingen: Determining the Order Parameter Symmetry of Unconventional Superconductors by Josephson...


Lecture by Dale Van Harlingen at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Mon 23 Jul 2012

Kent Irwin: SQUID-amplified calorimetry: from nuclear physics to cosmology


Lecture by Kent Irwin at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

Cathy Foley: How a single grain boundary found billions of dollars of mineral deposits: An overview of the use of...


Lecture by Cathy Foley at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

Risto Ilmoniemi: Magnetoencephalography: From early attempts to clinical applications


Lecture by Risto Ilmoniemi at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Sun 22 Jul 2012

John Martinis: Quantum Bits


Lecture by John Martinis at the bdj50 conference. Slides available at http://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/243505.

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Thu 26 Jul 2012

Brian Josephson: Creative Mind and Physical Reality


Lecture given by Brian Josephson on the day preceding the bdj50 conference.

Collection: Brian Josephson's lecture collection

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 1 Aug 2012

Unveiling of B D Josephson commemorative plaque


In conjunction with the bdj50 meeting, a plaque commemorating the discovery of the Josephson effect was unveiled at the Mond building, New Museums site, Cambridge University, in...

Collection: Lectures from the Cavendish Laboratory's bdj50 conference

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Mon 12 Nov 2012