First National Raspberry Jam and TeachMeet 

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Created: 2012-08-04 11:18
Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology
Editors' group: Department of Computer Science and Technology members
Description: This is the full video of the first national scale Raspberry Jam meeting and
Teach Meet held in CL on July 14 2012. Around 300 people gathered to discuss
projects, teaching ideas and class experiences, under the auspices of the
Computing at School Initiative, with support from the Computer Laboratory and
the Raspberry Pi corporation, and with CAS members efforts, as well as
schoolkids and teachers from all over.

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Cambridge Teachmeet Event of July 14, 2012 - was 2nd half of day, preceded by Raspberry Jam event


Students and Teachers exchange ideas for classes and projects for the new Computing at School syllabus

Collection: First National Raspberry Jam and TeachMeet 

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Fri 31 Aug 2012

Raspberry Jam


This is the first of two videos, which was the Raspberry Jam part of the day's events.

Collection: First National Raspberry Jam and TeachMeet 

Institution: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Created: Wed 29 Aug 2012