Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2011

Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2011's image
Created: 2011-09-21 09:12
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Editors' group: Editors group for "Office of Communications".
Description: The Cambridge Festival of Ideas is the only arts, humanities and social sciences festival in the UK. The 2011 Festival takes place between 19 - 30 October 2011.

Media items

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This collection contains 9 media items.


Media items

Seven billion: the crowded planet


The world's population will reach seven billion this year. Can the Earth sustain this many people and is reproductive freedom a fundamental liberty? What will the future hold for...

Collection: Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2011

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Wed 21 Sep 2011

Sir Hermann Bondi Lecture: Secret Mathematicians


Professor Marcus du Sautoy explores the hidden mathematical ideas that underpin artists' creative output and reveals that the work of the mathematician is sometimes no less driven...

Collection: Cambridge Festival of Ideas 2011

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 20 Oct 2011