Humanities Society

Humanities Society's image
Created: 2013-02-07 17:51
Institution: Wolfson College
Editors' group: Wolfson College Streaming Media Editors
Description: A collection of lectures organised by the Humanities Society of Wolfson College, Cambridge.

Our aim is to act as a forum for stimulating ideas across the boundaries between the Humanities and other fields of study. We offer a programme with international and interdisciplinary interest, featuring talks on a range of cultural contexts, themes, and from a range of historical periods and perspectives, with a balance between early career researchers, up and coming scholars, and world class professors.

Media items

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This collection contains 63 media items.

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Media items

Adriana Alexander - The Honour of Sharing : the Sharing of Honour


How does a Lovari extended family enact the sharing of material resources, and of intangible gifts conveyed through gesture, dance, song and speech? How do these practices confer...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 22 Jan 2015

Bill Lubenow: Intellectual Societies: Intimacy and Knowledge in the 19th Century


E.M. Forster’s famous phrase, ‘Only Connect’, is not only a guide to a successful emotional life; it is also a guide to cognition. The universities were reformed in the...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Tue 13 May 2014

Bjorn L. Basberg: Maynard Keynes and his Whaling Adventures


The economist John Maynard Keynes’ activities on the stock market are well known. One company in which he bought stocks in the late 1920s was the Hector Whaling Company Ltd. The...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Tue 26 May 2015

David Jacques: Blick Mead: The Cradle of Stonehenge?


The discovery of a spring complex, adjacent to Vespasian's Camp and just over a mile from Stonehenge, with well preserved and substantial Mesolithic deposits, potentially...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Tue 13 May 2014

Dr Alastair Reid: Trade Unions and the British Tradition of Pluralism


Dr Alastair Reid (Fellow, Girton College)

Trade Unions and the British Tradition of Pluralism

In contrast to the usual assumption that trade unions were the product of...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Alex Da Costa: The Pardoner's Passing and How it Matters: Gender, Relics and Speech Acts


Tuesday 14 March 2017

Dr Alex da Costa (University Lecturer at the Faculty of English; Fellow of Newnham College)

'The Pardoner's Passing and How it Matters: Gender, Relics...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Alexi Baker: Technology, Tools, and Toys of Early Modern Science


Dr Alexi Baker’s research over the past decade has revealed how ‘scientific instruments’ before the rise of modern science included everything from cutting-edge technologies and...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 18 Dec 2014

Dr Amira Bennison: Architecture & Design in Medieval Morocco: the building strategies of the Marinid sultans


This talk explores the ways in which the Marinid dynasty in Morocco exploited architecture and display to legitimise themselves before their subjects, a volatile mix of restive...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Wed 1 May 2013

Dr Anna Upchurch: The Arts and Humanities Today: Re-framing the ‘value’ debate


How can the arts and humanities meet the challenges of contemporary society without relying on notions of socio-economic impact? This talk contributes to current debates on...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Wed 16 Oct 2013

Dr Ben Griffin: Fidgets, Scoundrels and Mummy's Boys: Performing Masculinity in the Victorian House of Commons


This talk examines the gendered political culture of the Victorian House of Commons by looking at the efforts that politicians made to appear ‘manly’. This culture had very real...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Wed 12 Mar 2014

Dr Dan Carter: Reform, Revolution, Reaction. Land and the indigenous question in Allende's Chile


This talk explores the familiar topic of Chile under the Popular Unity Government (1970-1973) from a less familiar angle: the indigenous heartlands of the south. Here, unresolved...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 6 Feb 2014

Dr David Hickman: Triumph of the Real: From The Communist Manifesto to Jason Bourne


In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, cinematic realism was the most significant revolution in visual culture since the late Renaissance. Not only did it carry along...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 18 Dec 2014

Dr David Taylor: Spectators at the Print Shop Window: Caricature and the Rhetoric of the Gaze


This paper offers a close reading of the grammar of the gaze offered in eighteenth-century prints that depict crowds of people looking at the window displays of London’s many...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Wed 22 Jan 2014

Dr Deborah Thom: 'Commemorating the First World War a 100 Years on in Popular and Public History'


Tuesday 11 October 2016

'Commemorating the First World War a 100 Years on in Popular and Public History'

The talk comes from Dr Thom’s experience as a member of the academic...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Edit Schlaffer: The Power of Families in Preventing Radicalization -- a bottom up Security Strategy


Tuesday 07 June 2016

Dr. Edit Schlaffer (Founder of Women without Borders)

'The Power of Families in Preventing Radicalization -- a bottom up Security Strategy'


Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Glen Rangwala: The Aftermath of War: Iraq Ten Years On


This talk reviews the extent of Iraq’s transformation over the last ten years, looking at what Iraq’s experience shows about the limits of political change in a region marked by...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Tue 26 Feb 2013

Dr Jackie Watson: '[T]hough Ramme stinks with cookes and ale,/ Yet say thers many a worthy lawyers chamber,/ Buts vpon...


Tuesday 15 November 2016

'[T]hough Ramme stinks with cookes and ale,/ Yet say thers many a worthy lawyers chamber,/ Buts vpon Rame-Alley': An Innsman Goes to the...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Jane Chapman: Captured and Alive: War Satire, Time and Space


Tuesday 16 May 2017

Dr Jane Chapman (Lincoln University; College Research Associate, Wolfson College)

'Captured and Alive: War Satire, Time and Space'

What attitudes...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Fri 5 Oct 2018

Dr Justin Colson on London Bridge


Dr Justin Colson talks about London Bridge which has existed in one form or another since the fourteenth century. He explores the social world of the Bridge in the late fifteenth...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 5 Mar 2015

Dr Lauren Arrington: Art, Empire, and Revolution: the Lives of Constance and Casimir Markievicz


Constance Markievicz (nee Gore-Booth, 1868-1927), was born to the privileged Protestant upper class in the west of Ireland. She embraced suffrage and then scandal as she left the...

Collection: Humanities Society

Institution: Wolfson College

Created: Thu 14 Mar 2013

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