
ReproSoc's image
Created: 2013-11-11 12:56
Institution: Department of Sociology
Editors' group: Editors group for "Department of Sociology".
Description: ReproSoc is a research initiative based at the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.

Our aim is to become a centre of excellence in reproductive studies, promoting and developing dialogue with colleagues studying various aspects of reproduction across different disciplines, both within and beyond Cambridge. Our activities involve research projects, interdisciplinary collaborations, and public events.

Media items

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This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

After IVF: the reproductive turn in social thought - Sarah Franklin Inaugural Lecture


Professor Franklin was elected to the Cambridge University Chair of Sociology in June 2011 and took up her post on 1 October of that year. The following lecture was introduced by...

Collection: ReproSoc

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Mon 11 Nov 2013

After IVF: the reproductive turn in social thought - Sarah Franklin Inaugural Lecture (with slides)


Professor Franklin was elected to the Cambridge University Chair of Sociology in June 2011 and took up her post on 1 October of that year. The following lecture was introduced by...

Collection: ReproSoc

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Wed 29 Oct 2014

Guest Speaker Dr. Eben Kirksey - The Xenopus Pregnancy Test: A Performative Experiment


An open seminar sponsored by the Reproductive Sociology Research Group (ReproSoc). Filmed on 22nd May 2015.

Collection: ReproSoc

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Wed 27 May 2015