CDH Distinguished Lecturer Series 2018–19

CDH Distinguished Lecturer Series 2018–19's image
Created: 2019-06-10 08:24
Institution: Cambridge University Library
Editors' group: Users group for School of the Arts and Humanities Cloud
Description: In 2018/19 Cambridge Digital Humanities launched its Distinguished Lecturer Series. The series has been designed for both general and specialist audiences to show why Digital Humanities matters and what impact DH has had and continues to have on the world.

Media items

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This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Edgar Berger: Highway to Hell or Stairway to Heaven? How Digital Changed the Music Industry


Music was the first media to be hit by digital revolution resulting in a dramatic decline. Two decades later music comes out of it as the shining star having undergone two digital...

Collection: CDH Distinguished Lecturer Series 2018–19

Institution: Cambridge University Library

Created: Mon 10 Jun 2019

Johanna Drucker: Looking Back and Thinking Ahead. Humanistic Methods and/in Digital Humanities.


Methodological concessions to the requirements of formal systems have characterised much of the digital humanities work in the decades since the initial encounter of computational...

Collection: CDH Distinguished Lecturer Series 2018–19

Institution: Cambridge University Library

Created: Mon 10 Jun 2019