Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns's image
Created: 2021-07-20 15:23
Institution: Pembroke College
Editors' group: Editors group for "Pembroke College".
Description: A collection of reflections and meditations on works of art broadcast from Pembroke College Chapel during the Covid Lockdowns.

Media items

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This collection contains 17 media items.


Media items

Canon Charles Pickstone, Vicar of St Laurence’s Catford, looks at a work by the Colombian artist Libia Posada


Canon Charles Pickstone, Vicar of St Laurence’s Catford, looks at a work by the Colombian artist Libia Posada

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dr Aaron Rosen introduces the inter-faith Stations of the Cross project.


Dr Aaron Rosen (PEM 1999), Professor of Religion & Visual Culture and Director of the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion at Wesley Theological Seminary introduces the...

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dr Gabriele Finaldi, Director of the National Gallery, reflects on Noli me Tangere by Titian


Dr Gabrielle Finaldi, Directory of the National Gallery, reflects on Noli me Tangere by Titian

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dr Neil McGregor speaks about The Entombment, after Frederico Barocci,


Dr Neil McGregor, formerly Director of the National Gallery and the British Museum speaks about The Entombment, after Frederico Barocci, which is the altar piece in Pembroke...

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dr Vicky Avery on Sensual/Virtual: Two Coloured Sculptures


Dr Vicky Avery of the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge speaks about two sculptures from the exhibition Sensual/Virtual: Two Coloured Sculptures.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Dua Abbas, artist, presents two digital collages


Dua Abbas, artist, presents two digital collages created for the Stations of the Cross exhibition, 2018, which was coordinated by Dr Aaron Rosen and Dr Katriona Laing.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Guler Ates, artist, speaks about her performance/video piece Light Without Colour,


Guler Ates, artist, speaks about her performance/video piece Light Without Colour, reflecting on Refugee journeys.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Lizzy Ennion-Smith talks about Bishop Lawrence Booth as a Benefactor of Pembroke College


Lizzy Ennion-Smith, Archivist at Pembroke College Cambridge, speaks about Bishop Lawrence Booth for the Pembroke College Commemoration of Benefactors.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Prof Jay Winter presents the War Memorial, The Elders, by Käthe Kollwitz.


Prof Jay Winter (PEM 1966), Charles J. Stille Professor of History Emeritus at Yale University, presents War Memorial, The Elders, by Käthe Kollwitz.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Prof Polly Blakesley, looks at The Appearance of Christ to the People by Aleksandr Ivanov.


Prof Polly Blakesley, Cambridge University Department of Art History and Fellow of Pembroke College, looks at The Appearance of Christ to the People by Aleksandr Ivanov.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Rev Dr Malcolm Guite (PEM 1977), Poet, reflects on Candlemas


Rev Dr Malcolm Guite (PEM 1977), Poet, reflects on Candlemas (The Presentation in the Temple) through two of his poems.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021

Rev Nevksy Everett, Chaplain of Keble College Oxford, talks about The Light of the World by Holman Hunt.


Rev Nevksy Everett, Chaplain of Keble College Oxford, talks about The Light of the World by Holman Hunt.

Collection: Pembroke College Cambridge Chapel Meditations during the Covid Lockdowns

Institution: Pembroke College

Created: Tue 20 Jul 2021