The Triple Helix

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Created: 2009-01-12 09:27
Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates
Editors' group: (not set)
Description: The Triple Helix Cambridge is a student society which seeks to explore the interdisciplinary issues surrounding science. Our termly lecture series of panel debates brings together both academics and policymakers to present a range of perspectives on important issues. They explore politics, ethics, sociology and law as well as science, and ask questions about how science influences our daily lives. In addition to panel debates, The Triple Helix also publishes a termly student journal called The Science in Society Review and runs outreach activities with schools. For more information, see

Media items

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This collection contains 4 media items.


Media items

Can We Blame Our Brains? Neuroscience in the Courtroom


Four speakers present their views on whether neuroscience can and should be used as evidence in the courtroom. When is it applicable and how much can it tell us about who we are...

Collection: The Triple Helix

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009

Can We Open Source Everything? The Future of the Open Philosophy


Four speakers present their experience and ideas about how the open source philosophy can be applied to different areas of life.

Collection: The Triple Helix

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009

Our Virtual Selves: How Do We Behave on the Web?


Three speakers present their points of view on how we behave on the web and what that means for society.

Collection: The Triple Helix

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009

Who Wants to Live Forever? Exploring the Impact of Extreme Ageing


Four speakers talk about their views on extreme life extension research. From the science to the sociology, they ask whether we should try to live forever

Collection: The Triple Helix

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009