Queens' College - Undergraduates


This institution has 3 collections.


Collection search results

Cambridge University International Development (CUiD)

   6 media items
   104,015 total views

Cambridge University International Development presents its speakers and panel debates. Featuring many prominent academics and practitioners.

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 19 Jan 2009

Chemical Society

   2 media items
   14,211 total views

Cambridge University Chemical Society is a student-run society that seeks to raise the profile of Chemistry both within the University, and beyond. Continuing a rich history of over 70 years’ of activity, CUChS aspires to provide a wide variety of engaging and topical lectures, exploring the...

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009

The Triple Helix

   4 media items
   26,806 total views

The Triple Helix Cambridge is a student society which seeks to explore the interdisciplinary issues surrounding science. Our termly lecture series of panel debates brings together both academics and policymakers to present a range of perspectives on important issues. They explore politics, ethics,...

Institution: Queens' College - Undergraduates

Created: Mon 12 Jan 2009